Hello Friends!

Well I have been gone for a long time now. I’ve been planning on coming back but Mom has been super lazy. It’s almost my bark day and I read about how Sharky and Deetzy want us all to come back to the blogosphere so its time I heed the call.
I’ve learned lots of things since you last heard from me. Probably the craziest thing is that sometimes when I have to go pee my back leg will pop up off the ground. It’s strange; I just feel the need to pee like a tripod. It doesn’t happen every time so I’m still working on why. I’ll let you know if I ever figure it out.
I went to the beach a ton this summer.

No pictures, stupid mom said something about sand in the camera. I love to chase the seagulls. So far they always get away but they can’t elude me forever. I also learned to play tag with the ocean. I run into the ocean and then when the water gets up to my knees I stop and wait. Once another big wave comes I run away as fast as I can.
I also spent some time camping. Since we were out there with the scenery we took the opportunity to take some photos for the Airedales-2010 calendar.

We were going for rugged. I’m not sure if we pulled it off, because it was right after a fresh hair cut so I might be TOO pretty to make the calendar!

I still love to sleep with my Ted every night but he looks a little different now.

Here is a before shot of Ted and I snuggling in for bed.

and here is a few months ago

and this is what he looks like tonight

We have been going to a new dog park where we have lots of good friends. I will tell you more about them latter, some of them even look like me. For now I will leave you with this excellent picture of my tongue.

P.S. Did you guys see Deetzy's crazy new brother?