We are still packing. This is the wall of stuff so far. It looks kind of like Bogart’s house. I have been trying to spend some extra time with Errol (the stinky poo-poo head kitty) since he will be moving to a different house than me.Mom said there will be new kitties but they aren’t very nice. I believe in my ability to make everyone love me though so we will just have to wait and see what happens with these new “mean kitties”. I have decided that there is something about packing that I hate worse than not being able to chew on boxes, and I hate more than being bored, and is even more TERRIBLE than skipping my days at the park. The worst, most horrible thing about packing is when your mom gets Bored! Socks aren’t terrible but it is never ok to dress a dog. I come in these coordinating colors for a reason.
WHOA! Mom! Stop it! I told you not to post those pictures! DeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDelete Mom I am going to hate you forever! This is soooo not cool with me! What is Lucia going to think?