Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Still Packing

We are still packing. This is the wall of stuff so far. It looks kind of like Bogart’s house. I have been trying to spend some extra time with Errol (the stinky poo-poo head kitty) since he will be moving to a different house than me.Mom said there will be new kitties but they aren’t very nice. I believe in my ability to make everyone love me though so we will just have to wait and see what happens with these new “mean kitties”. I have decided that there is something about packing that I hate worse than not being able to chew on boxes, and I hate more than being bored, and is even more TERRIBLE than skipping my days at the park. The worst, most horrible thing about packing is when your mom gets Bored! Socks aren’t terrible but it is never ok to dress a dog. I come in these coordinating colors for a reason.
WHOA! Mom! Stop it! I told you not to post those pictures! DeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDelete Mom I am going to hate you forever! This is soooo not cool with me! What is Lucia going to think?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

BLAHg - Boxes - Boobietraps

Why so blah you ask? Well this is why,
Soo lame.
All mom has been doing is packing. I don’t really get it. You take a bunch of junk out of one spot and you put it in another spot and you’re not allowed to chew on it. What is the point? Mom said we are moving so that she will have more money to buy more toys. Let me tell you, it better be A LOT more toys, cause this whole process has been no fun for me! I want to play but she is always saying “I have to pack, we can play later.” I check to make sure she is working but it’s sooo boring, I try to entertain myself with Errol. Errol, also bored with this packing situation, did something unexpected the other day. That cat set a cat trap for me. He piled up the cushions on the blue couch and made it look like a nice stable place to be. Then (this is the evil genius part) he used himself as bait. He sat up on that couch and looked like a kitty, knowing that was exactly the thing which I can’t resist.
When I jumped up to show him my Digger style of kitty love, the cushions collapsed and I was stuck! The more I struggled the more entrenched I became. Errol just sat on his perch and laughed. I finally had to give up and ask more for help. At least she quit packing long enough for that. I’m going to go find a box I’m allowed to chew on, and hope things get more exciting soon. See Ya.
One day Errol, One day soon! The only thing I can promise is that you won't see it coming.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Questions from Mom

My mom wanted o ask you guys and your mom’s some stuff. She hasn’t ever had an Airedale before and can’t find what she is looking for online. Here she is…

Hello everybody I was hoping you could help me with a few questions about Airekids.
1. If you don’t glue the ears down will they stick straight up or will they just hang at a less perfect angle? I seem to find conflicting info on this.
2. During teething did your Airedales get bloody mouths? Diggs gets a bloody mouth sometimes and it seems to come from the back moler area. Is this normal? Should I be worried? He is still eating ok.
3. How long did it take before your Airekids started sleeping through the night?
4. Any other advice of any kind at all, or stories of warning would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for the help. I’ll turn it back over to Digsby now.

OK Mom! I don’t care what these people tell you I am NOT going to let you put glue in my ears. No way, No how, Not now, Not ever! If I even think I smell Elmer’s in the same room as me I am soo outta here! You can just drop that thought RIGHT NOW!

Also wakeing up from 1 to 2:30 am is part of who I am! You should accept it. Maybe if you didn’t work all day and took a nap instead you could get up too and we could have some fun.

On a happier note…. I Graduated! There was no test so my attendance alone was enough. Mom just mumbled something about “thank goodness there was no test”.
I heard that and didn’t think that was very nice Mom! You aren’t doing a very good job today, and you should know I’m serious about that glue thing! Even a little whiff on the breeze….
Anyway, I graduated from puppy class and do you know what I got? NOTHING! I got Nothing. I did all those “sits,” “stays,” and “comes,” and I didn’t even get my name engraved on a plaque. I think I should have gotten something don’t you? Me too.
I'm going off to be sulky in a corner now. Talk to you guys later.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

French Fry's

Mom asked to see my collar for a min and she added some new bling.
Now I’ve got an address tag, a rabies tag (even thought I don’t have rabies), a license tag (Mom still won’t let me drive) and a chip tag (which tastes nothing like chips). Now when I walk down the street everyone knows how important I am by how much I jingle. The bad thing is that now Errol knows when I’m coming and has time to hide. He must have found a new hiding place because I can never spot him anymore like I used to.
I made a new discovery this weekend as well.
French Fry’s.
“what’s a French fry” I said. Yummy I like to eat them sideways, that way I get the flavor all the way across my tongue.
Nom nom nom What do you mean it’s empty? Are you sure there aren’t any in there? Mom did you try looking under the carton? Maybe there is a french fry underneath? I was soo appreciative of the french fry’s that the next day I helped with laundry. See you all soon.